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382 lines
8.8 KiB
382 lines
8.8 KiB
4 months ago
var Tour = (function() {
var t = [],
o, cur
T = {
step: {
pl: "krok",
en: "step",
be: "крок",
ca: "pas",
cs: "krok",
da: "trin",
de: "Schritt",
el: "βήμα",
es: "paso",
et: "samm",
fi: "vaihe",
fr: "étape",
hu: "lépés",
it: "passo",
lt: "žingsnis",
lv: "solis",
mk: "чекор",
nl: "stap",
no: "trinn",
pt: "passo",
ru: "шаг",
sk: "krok",
sl: "korak",
sq: "hapi",
sv: "steg",
tr: "adım",
uk: "крок"
Next: {
pl: "Następny",
en: "Next",
be: "Далей",
ca: "Següent",
cs: "Další",
da: "Næste",
de: "Weiter",
el: "Την επόμενη",
es: "Siguiente",
et: "Järgmine",
fi: "Seuraava",
fr: "Prochaine",
hu: "Következő",
it: "Accanto",
lt: "Kitas",
lv: "Nākamā",
mk: "Следна",
nl: "Volgende",
no: "Neste",
pt: "Próximo",
ru: "Далее",
sk: "Ďalej",
sl: "Naprej",
sq: "Tjetër",
sv: "Nästa",
tr: "Gelecek",
uk: "Далі"
Previous: {
pl: "Poprzedni",
en: "Previous",
be: "Папярэдні",
ca: "Anteriors",
cs: "Předchozí",
da: "Tidligere",
de: "Vorherige",
el: "Προηγούμενο",
es: "Anterior",
et: "Eelmine",
fi: "Edellinen",
fr: "Précédente",
hu: "Előző",
it: "Precedente",
lt: "Ankstesnis",
lv: "Iepriekšējā",
mk: "Претходна",
nl: "Vorige",
no: "Tidligere",
pt: "Anterior",
ru: "Предыдущий",
sk: "Predchádzajúce",
sl: "Prejšnji",
sq: "E mëparshme",
sv: "Föregående",
tr: "Önceki",
uk: "Попередній"
Finish: {
pl: "Zakończ",
en: "Finish",
be: "Аздабленне",
ca: "Acabat",
cs: "Dokončit",
da: "Finish",
de: "Finish",
el: "Τελειώνει",
es: "Acabado",
et: "Lõpeta",
fi: "Loppuun",
fr: "Finition",
hu: "Befejezés",
it: "Finitura",
lt: "Apdaila",
lv: "Apdare",
mk: "Заврши",
nl: "Afwerking",
no: "Ferdig",
pt: "Acabamento",
ru: "Отделка",
sk: "Povrch",
sl: "Zaključek",
sq: "Finish",
sv: "Avsluta",
tr: "Bitir",
uk: "Оздоблення"
function _t(s) {
return T[s][t[cur].language] || T[s]['en'];
function step(n) {
cur = n;
$('.tourStep, .tourBg').remove();
if (!t[n]) {
'<div class="tourStep popover" step="' + n + '">',
'<div class="arrow"></div>',
'<div class="card">',
'<div class="card-header">',
!t[n].close ? '' : '<button class="tourClose btn-close float-end">× </button>',
'<div class="card-body">',
'<div class="card-footer">',
'<div class="pull-right">',
'<div class="tourPrev btn btn-default btn-sm">' + _t('Previous') + '</div> ',
'<div class="tourNext btn btn-primary btn-sm">' + _t('Next') + '</div>',
var el = $('.tourStep')
minWidth: 250
x = 0,
y = 0;
if (t[n].element && !!t[n].element.length) {
var x1 = 1e6,
y1 = 1e6,
x2 = 0,
y2 = 0;
t[n].element.each(function(k, v) {
var ofs = $(v).offset();
x1 = Math.min(x1, ofs.left + t[n].forceCorrectionLeft);
y1 = Math.min(y1, + t[n].forceCorrectionTop);
x2 = Math.max(x2, ofs.left + t[n].forceCorrectionLeft + t[n].forceCorrectionWidth
+ parseInt($(v).css('border-left-width'))
+ parseInt($(v).css('padding-left'))
+ $(v).width()
+ parseInt($(v).css('padding-right'))
+ parseInt($(v).css('border-right-width'))
y2 = Math.max(y2, + t[n].forceCorrectionTop + t[n].forceCorrectionHeight
+ parseInt($(v).css('border-top-width'))
+ parseInt($(v).css('padding-top'))
+ $(v).height()
+ parseInt($(v).css('padding-bottom'))
+ parseInt($(v).css('border-bottom-width'))
switch (t[n].position) {
case 'top':
y = y1 - el.height();
x = ((x1 + x2) >> 1) - (el.width() >> 1);
case 'right':
y = ((y1 + y2) >> 1) - (el.height()>> 1);
x = x2;
case 'left':
y = ((y1 + y2) >> 1) - (el.height()>> 1);
x = x1 - el.width();
case 'bottom':
y = y2;
x = ((x1 + x2) >> 1) - (el.width() >> 1);
position: 'absolute',
left: x,
top: y
if (t[n].spotlight) {
var p = t[n].padding;
$('body').append(Array(5).join('<div class="tourBg"></div>'));
var pos = [
bottom: 'auto',
height: y1 - p
top: y2 + p,
height: $(document).height() - y2 - p
right: 'auto',
bottom: 'auto',
top: y1 - p,
width: x1 - p,
height: 2 * p + y2 - y1
left: x2 + p,
bottom: 'auto',
top: y1 - p,
height: 2 * p + y2 - y1
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 1000,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
left: 0,
background: '#000',
opacity: 0.3
}).each(function(k, v){
if (!!t[n].scroll) {
var my = ((Math.min(y, y1) + Math.max(y + el.height(), y2)) >> 1) - ($(window).height() >> 1),
mx = ((Math.min(x, x1) + Math.max(x + el.width(), x2)) >> 1) - ($(window).width() >> 1);
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: Math.max(0, Math.min(y, y1, my)),
scrollLeft: Math.max(0, Math.min(x, x1, mx))
if (!n) {
if (n > t.length - 2) {
.on('click', '.tourNext:not([disabled])',
.on('click', '.tourPrev:not([disabled])', Tour.prev)
.on('click', '.tourClose:not([disabled])', Tour.close);
(t[n].onstep || Tour.onstep || function(){})(t[n]);
$(window).on('resize', function() {
if (!!Tour.onresize) {
return {
run: function(tour, options) {
try {
t = [];
cur = 0;
o = {
close: true,
content: '',
language: 'en',
padding: 5,
position: 'right',
scroll: true,
spotlight: true,
forceCorrectionLeft: 0,
forceCorrectionTop: 0,
forceCorrectionWidth: 0,
forceCorrectionHeight: 0,
onstep: null,
for (var k in options) {
o[k] = options[k];
$(tour).each(function(k, v) {
for (var kk in o) {
v[kk] = v[kk] || o[kk];
if (v.element && !!v.element.length) {
if (!!Tour.onstart) {
} catch(e) {}
next: function() {
step(cur + 1);
if (cur == t.length) {
if (!!Tour.onfinish) {
prev: function(){
step(cur - 1);
current: function(){
return cur;
close: function(){
if (!!Tour.onclose) {
onstart: null,
onfinish: null,
onclose: null,
onstep: null,
onresize: function() {
var n = cur - 1;
cur = n;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20);